Interactive Probabilistic Proof Systems and Argument Systems

July 04, 2024

Interactive Probabilistic Proof Systems

  • Goal: a prover should be able to convince a verifier that they possess a value yy such that for a function ff and a known value xx, y=f(x)y = f(x)
  • ff is a function mapping the nn-dimensional hypercube to a finite set of possible outputs RR
    f:{0,1}nRf: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow R
    • The domain {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n refers to the set of all possible nn-bit binary strings. {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n is the product set {0,1}×{0,1}××{0,1}\{0,1\} \times \{0,1\} \times \dots \times \{0,1\} repeated nn times, resulting in a set of 2n2^n nn-length tuples.
    • By denoting the domain of the function being proven as {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, we can easily describe runtimes in terms of input size.
  • VV is a probabilistic verifier algorithm running in polynomial time with respect to the input size nn.
  • PP is a deterministic, honest, prover algorithm subject to no computational bounds. Computationally bounded provers are considered in the context of arguments.
  • x{0,1}nx \in \{0,1\}^n is a common input to both PP and VV
  • yRy \in R is provided by PP at the start of the protocol. PP will prove that y=f(x)y = f(x) and does not need to conceal yy since the proof is not done in zero knowledge
  • a kk-message interactive proof system consists of PP and VV exchanging kk messages, at the end of which VV returns 11 or 00 to signal acceptance or rejection
  • PP and VV are next-message-computing algorithms. Given the messages (x,m1,,mi1)(x, m_1, \dots,m_{i-1}), PP or VV can calculate mim_i on their turn.
    • VV is probabilistic so its outputs will also depend on VV's internal randomness
  • the transcript is the sequence of kk messages (m1,,mk)(m_1, \dots, m_k) along with the yy value being proven
  • VV computes out(V,x,r,P){0,1}out(V,x,r,P) \in \{0,1\} based on the transcript and its own internal randomness rr to signal acceptance or rejection of PP's claim that y=f(x)y = f(x)
    • for a fixed value of rr, VV becomes deterministic and out(V,x,r,P){0,1}out(V,x,r,P) \in \{0,1\} is a deterministic function of xx
  • Soundness and completeness error describe the probability of VV returning an incorrect result over the random variable rr.
    • If a proving system has completeness, a prover can convince a verifier of any true statement y=f(x)y=f(x)
    • If a proving system has soundness, a prover cannot convince a verifier of a false statement
  • Completeness error - probability that VV rejects a correct proof from PP for all x{0,1}x \in \{0,1\}
    Prr[out(V,x,r,P)=0]=δc\Pr_{r}[out(V,x,r,P)=0] = \delta_c
  • Soundness error - probability that for all deterministic proving strategies PP', VV accepts a proof from PP' that y=f(x)y=f(x) when yf(x)y\neq f(x)
    Prr[out(V,x,r,P)=1]=δs\Pr_{r}[out(V,x,r,P)=1] = \delta_s
  • Interactive proof systems are valid if they have soundness and completeness error δc,δs1/3\delta_c, \delta_s \leq 1/3.
    • 1/31/3 is convention, most IPs have soundness error proportional to δs=1/F\delta_s = 1/|\mathbb{F}| where F\mathbb{F} is the field over which the IP is defined. Fields are chosen to be large enough to keep the soundness error small. Soundness error can always be reduced to δsk\delta_s^k by repeating the IP protocol kk times.
  • For a kk message interactive proof system, the round complexity is k/2k/2
  • When designing interactive proof systems, we prioritize runtimes of PP and VV and also consider space usage, communication bits, and round complexity.
  • Perfect completeness (δc=0\delta_c=0) - all interactive proofs in the book satisfy perfect completeness, for a true statement y=f(x)y=f(x) an honest prover can always convince a verifier of its truth.
    • Any IP for a function ff with δc\delta_c can be made perfectly complete with a polynomial increase in verifier costs.
  • Private randomness means the verifier's value for rr is not visible to the prover. Public randomness (public-coin IPs) can be combined with cryptography to convert IPs to argument systems with important properties. The Fiat-Shamir transformation is a case of this.
    • Any private coin IP can be simulated with a public coin IP with a polynomial cost increase for the verifier and a small increase in the number of rounds.
  • Soundness is defined to hold against deterministic provers for convenience. If there is a probabilistic prover that convinces the verifier with probability pp, there is also a deterministic strategy (for some fixed randomness value for the prover) convincing the verifier with probability pp.
  • Zero Knowledge is often achieved by randomizing the prover. Randomization does not affect soundness or completeness but allows the prover to prevent leaking information to the verifier.

Argument Systems

  • An argument system for a function ff is an interactive proof where soundness is only required to hold against polynomial bounded provers
  • We can employ cryptography in argument systems to add features like non interactivity, but then we introduce the assumption that a prover doesn't have the computational power to break the cryptographic primitive.
  • Computational soundness means soundness against a computationally bounded prover
  • Proof systems are defined to have statistical/information theoretical soundness

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Written by Breads