Multilinear Lagrange Interpolation

July 09, 2024

  • We can perform Lagrange interpolation of a multivariable function over a set of multilinear Lagrange basis polynomials to obtain the unique multilinear extension of f:{0,1}vFf: \{0,1\}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} .
    • Recall that univariate Lagrange interpolation extended a function f:{0,,n1}Ff: \{0,\dots,n-1\} \rightarrow \mathbb{F} with a linear combination of Lagrange basis polynomials defined over the nodes x{0,,n1}x \in \{0,\dots,n-1\}
    • Multilinear Lagrange interpolation will extend a function f:{0,1}vFf: \{0,1\}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} with a linear combination of Lagrange basis polynomials defined over the nodes, or interpolating set, w{0,1}vw \in \{0,1\}^v
  • The unique multilinear extension f~:FvF\tilde{f}: \mathbb{F}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} of a polynomial f:{0,1}vFf: \{0,1\}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} such that f~\tilde{f} and ff agree at all vv-bit binary inputs x=(x1,,xv){0,1}vx = (x_1,\dots,x_v)\in \{0,1\}^v is
    f~(x1,,xv)=w{0,1}vf(w)Lw(x1,,xv)\tilde{f}(x_1,\dots,x_v) = \sum_{w\in \{0,1\}^v} f(w)\cdot L_w(x_1,\dots,x_v)
  • LwL_w is the Lagrange basis polynomial for the vector w=(w1,,wn){0,1}vw = (w_1,\dots,w_n)\in \{0,1\}^v such that for all w{0,1}vw \in \{0,1\}^v Lw(w)=1L_w(w) = 1 and Lw(u)=0L_w(u)= 0 if u{0,1}vuwu \in \{0,1\}^v \land u\neq w
    Lw(x1,,xv):=i=1vwixi+(1wi)(ixi)L_w(x_1,\dots,x_v) := \prod^{v}_{i=1} w_i\cdot x_i + (1-w_i)(i-x_i)
  • The Lagrange basis polynomial LwL_w will evaluate to 0 if i{1,,v}(xiwi)\exists i \in \{1,\dots,v\} (x_i \neq w_i)
  • If xi,wi{0,1}xiwix_i,w_i \in \{0,1\} \land x_i\neq w_i then wixi+(1wi)(ixi)=0w_i\cdot x_i + (1-w_i)(i-x_i) = 0
  • If the iith term in the product is 0, the entire product is 0
  • The set of all {Lw:w{0,1}v}\{L_w : w\in \{0,1\}^v\} is the set of multilinear Lagrange basis polynomials with interpolating set {0,1}v\{0,1\}^v.

Unique Multilinear Extensions of Functions over {0,1}v\{0,1\}^v

  • The polynomial extension f~\tilde{f} is unique, multilinear, and agrees with ff at all vv-length binary inputs
  • The extension f~\tilde{f} is multilinear because f~\tilde{f} is a linear combination of multilinear Lagrange basis polynomials
    • LwL_w will have degree 1 in each term xix_i for i{1,,v}i \in \{1,\dots,v\}
      Lw(x1,,xv):=i=1vwixi+(1wi)(ixi)L_w(x_1,\dots,x_v) := \prod^{v}_{i=1} w_i\cdot x_i + (1-w_i)(i-x_i)
    • f~\tilde{f} is a sum of multilinear basis polynomials scaled by field elements f(w)Ff(w) \in \mathbb{F}
      f~(x1,,xv)=w{0,1}vf(w)Lw(x1,,xv)\tilde{f}(x_1,\dots,x_v) = \sum_{w\in \{0,1\}^v} f(w)\cdot L_w(x_1,\dots,x_v)
  • The interpolating polynomial f~\tilde{f} agrees with ff at at all x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v.
    • For all x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v where xwx \neq w, the basis polynomial Lw(x)L_w(x) evaluates to 00.
    • For all x{0,1}x \in \{0,1\} each basis polynomial LwL_w is scaled by f(x)f(x), so f~(x)=f(x)\tilde{f}(x) = f(x)

Uniqueness of f~\tilde{f}

  • f~\tilde{f} is unique - there is no other multilinear function f~:FvF\tilde{f}': \mathbb{F}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} that agrees with ff at all x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v
  • The function f:{0,1}vFf: \{0,1\}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F} has many extensions, but only one of them is multilinear. This is a trait that is unique to functions over the vv-dimensional hypercube.
  • Proof:
    • Suppose pp is the multilinear extension of a function f:{0,1}vFf: \{0,1\}^v \rightarrow \mathbb{F}, so for all x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v p(x)=f(x)p(x) = f(x).

    • Now suppose qq is a multilinear polynomial such that p(x)=q(x)p(x) = q(x) for all x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v.

    • Let h:=pqh := p-q. Then hh is also multilinear and hh evaluates to 0 at all inputs x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v.

    • If hh is the identically zero polynomial, then p=qp = q.

    • Assume for proof by contradiction that hh is not the identically zero polynomial.

    • Then let tt be the term of lowest degree in hh. Let z{0,1}vz \in \{0,1\}^v be the input to hh which causes all variables in tt to be 1 and all other variables to be 0.

    • Since hh is multilinear and tt is the lowest degree term, all of the other terms in hh will contain some variable that is not in tt, so they will all be zero at h(z)h(z).

    • Then h(z)h(z) is the term tt with all variables set to 1 so h(z)0h(z) \neq 0.

    • z{0,1}vz \in \{0,1\}^v and h(z)0h(z) \neq 0 which contradicts the fact that hh evaluates to 0 at all inputs x{0,1}vx \in \{0,1\}^v.

    • Therefore, hh is the identically zero polynomial and q=pq = p

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Written by Breads