Naive Evaluation in
- Given a vector with univariate low degree extension , evaluating for naively would require time.
- The interpolating polynomial has n terms
but each Lagrange basis polynomial has another terms
- To compute according to these definitions, we would have operations to perform.
Linear Time Shortcut
- We can eliminate most of the work associated with computing each Lagrange basis polynomial by computing the basis polynomials recursively.
- We rely on the fact that since the nodes over which our Lagrange basis is defined are the same as their indices (), the th Lagrange basis polynomial can be expressed as a function of the th basis polynomial which can be computed in constant time.
- This optimization only applies for an interpolating set where the entries are the same as the indices: .
- We begin by computing the first basis polynomial according to its term definition which still takes time.
- Then for any in , given we can either compute in constant time or directly evaluate for .
- If is an element of the interpolating set, the interpolating polynomial simply returns the entry of the message that was paired with ,
- If is not an element of the interpolating set, the polynomial gives us the th Lagrange polynomial evaluated at
- Since the Lagrange basis polynomials are a constant time calculation with this algorithm, the full evaluation of is a sum of constant time terms, so the runtime is reduced from to O(n).
* Evaluates a univariate Lagrange interpolating polynomial derived from an ASCII message at a specified field element.
* This function interprets the provided ASCII message as function values at distinct interpolation points (indices).
* It constructs the Lagrange interpolating polynomial:
* P(x) = Σ (cᵢ · Lᵢ(x))
* where each coefficient cᵢ corresponds to the ASCII code of the i-th character in the message,
* and Lᵢ(x) is the i-th Lagrange basis polynomial defined over the set {0, 1, ..., n-1}.
* If the evaluation point `r` is one of the interpolation points (i.e., an integer index within the message length),
* the function returns the corresponding ASCII value directly for efficiency.
* Otherwise, it computes the polynomial value at `r` using Lagrange interpolation.
* @param message - The ASCII string message to encode.
* @param r - The field element at which to evaluate the polynomial.
* @returns The field element P(r), representing the evaluated polynomial at `r`.
* @throws Error if the message is empty or if `r` is an interpolation point when not handled explicitly.
function getUnivariateLagrange(message: string, r: Field): Field {
const n = message.length;
if (n === 0) {
throw Error("Message cannot be empty.");
// r value is an element in the interpolating set, return the corresponding message entry
if (r.lessThan(n).toBoolean()) {
const index = Number(r.toBigInt());
return Field(asciiToNumber(message[index]));
// accumulator for summation over message entries
let result = Field(0);
// interpolation points ({0...n-1})
const interpolatingSet = Array.from({ length: n }, (_, index) =>
// Initialize 0th Lagrange basis polynomial at r
let currentLagrangeBasis = getLagrangeBasisAt(0, interpolatingSet, r);
// sum over entries in the message multiplied by their corresponding Lagrange basis evaluations
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// obtain field representation of ascii character in message
const coefficient = Field(asciiToNumber(message[i]));
// Add the current term (coefficient * current basis) to the result
result = result.add(coefficient.mul(currentLagrangeBasis));
// Compute the next Lagrange basis polynomial Lᵢ₊₁(r) if not the last term
if (i < n - 1)
currentLagrangeBasis = getNextLagrangeBasisPolynomialAtInput(
i + 1,
return result;
* Recursively computes the next Lagrange basis polynomial Lᵢ(r) based on the previous one Lᵢ₋₁(r).
* The recursive formula implemented is:
* Lᵢ(r) = Lᵢ₋₁(r) · (r - (i - 1)) · (-1 * (n - i)) / ((r - i) * i)
* This method assumes that the interpolation set consists of consecutive integers {0, 1, ..., n-1}, * and that `r` is not an element of this set.
* @param i - The index of the Lagrange basis polynomial to compute (must be ≥ 1).
* @param n - The size of the interpolating set.
* @param r - The field element at which to evaluate the Lagrange basis polynomial.
* @param previousLagrangeBasis - The value of the (i-1)-th Lagrange basis polynomial at `r`.
* @returns The evaluated value of the i-th Lagrange basis polynomial at `r`.
* @throws Error if `i` is less than 1 or if `r` is within the interpolating set.
function getNextLagrangeBasisPolynomialAtInput(
i: number,
n: number,
r: Field,
previousLagrangeBasis: Field,
) {
if (i < 1)
throw Error(
"Fast Lagrange evaluation algorithm requires the (i-1)th Lagrange basis value at r to calculate the ith lagrange basis value at r",
if (
r.greaterThanOrEqual(0).toBoolean() &&
r.lessThanOrEqual(n - 1).toBoolean()
throw Error(
"Fast Lagrange evaluation algorithm requires that r is not an element of the interpolating set",
return previousLagrangeBasis
.mul(r.sub(i - 1))
.mul(-1 * (n - i))
* Computes the i-th Lagrange basis polynomial Lᵢ(r) at a specific field element `r`.
* The Lagrange basis polynomial Lᵢ(x) is defined as:
* Lᵢ(x) = Π₍ⱼ≠i₎ (x - xⱼ) / (xᵢ - xⱼ)
* where {x₀, x₁, ..., xₙ₋₁} is the set of interpolation points.
* For the interpolating set consisting of consecutive integers {0, 1, ..., n-1},
* this function evaluates Lᵢ(r) by iterating through each interpolation point except `xᵢ`.
* @param i - The index of the Lagrange basis polynomial to evaluate (0 ≤ i < n).
* @param interpolatingSet - The array of interpolation points (must be distinct).
* @param r - The field element at which to evaluate the Lagrange basis polynomial.
* @returns The evaluated value of the i-th Lagrange basis polynomial at `r`.
function getLagrangeBasisAt(
i: number,
interpolatingSet: Field[],
r: Field,
): Field {
let result = Field(1);
// lagrange basis polynomial is a product over each term in the interpolating set
for (let j = 0; j < interpolatingSet.length; j++) {
if (i !== j)
result = result
return result;